Michelle Scheeland came in on Friday, August 30, to show some Geometry students chess strategies. Thank you for sharing your expertise!
13 days ago, Meghan Johnson
Great race despite the hot and humid conditions! Cheyanne Herrier, Kyler Carter, and Skyler Powless all medaled. Best PR by Peyton Shanks and Kysen Carter. And a big THANK YOU to the Herriers for the awesome bags for our shoes!! 🎉❤️
14 days ago, Meghan Johnson
Wednesday night Coach Carter and 51 of our FCA members had pizza and headed out for a great Jesus centered film. HUGE thank you to all our sponsors. May God's favor rest on them. Please support them as they support us. ❤️
14 days ago, Meghan Johnson
We wanted to send out a couple of reminders for the school year.
Attached below is the policy in the student handbook regarding lunch and checking students out.
a. Webbers Falls Public School has a closed campus policy. Students are not allowed to leave the school grounds at any time during the school day unless approved by the principal. Parents must come in and sign out students; phone calls will only be taken to release students for emergencies, appointments with a doctor, dentist or chiropractor in which cases, the student must submit verification from the medical professional upon return.
b. Students may not leave or be called out from the WFS campus during lunch unless accompanied by a parent or legal guardian.
c. In order for a student to attend an on campus activity/event the parent must physically sign out the student and accompany the student to the activity/event. If the parent leaves the activity/event the student must leave with the parent or be checked back into school. When a parent signs a student out for the purpose of attending on campus events (that the student body has not been released to attend) the school is not responsible for the supervision and protection of the student and is not liable for any injuries or loss of property that may incur.
Thank you for your cooperation and understanding!
15 days ago, Angel Davis
Come kick off the Warriors football season with us this THURSDAY, August 29th at 6pm! No admission will be charged but please bring a donation of towels, water, or gatorade for the program! Don’t miss out!! 🏈
17 days ago, Angel Davis
Congratulations to our new Student Council officers and members!
17 days ago, Laurel Holt
Peyton, Karla, Katie, Emily, and Rose were an amazing help at The Kid Zone at the Muskogee Balloon Festival on Aug 24. Thanks for being such great volunteers. #YVC
18 days ago, Meghan Johnson
What a great first Cross Country Race on the 24th at Hanna. Lots of runners set personal records!! Thanks Coach Carter for driving our bus.
19 days ago, Meghan Johnson
14 of our after school students took advantage of the beautiful day and walked from the school to First Baptist for some dinner, a lesson, and some games. Grades k-12 are welcome to join us. Signups by the main office.
19 days ago, Meghan Johnson
Stay up to date with the latest student stories, events, and news updates. It's everything Webbers Falls, in your pocket. If you haven't already, download the app!
Download for Android
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21 days ago, Webbers Falls Public Schools
Immediate Opening: Kindergarten Teaching Position for the 2024-2025 school year.
Interested applicants need to complete the online application for certified staff and email application, resume and references to Ali Sanders, Elementary Principal
asanders@webbersfalls.k12.ok.us or call 918-464-2580. Questions are encouraged so please feel free to contact us.
23 days ago, Ali Sanders
Student Council sign ups are going on NOW!! If you are in 9th-12th grade and interested in running for STUCO, grab a packet from Mrs. Holt tomorrow. Campaigning starts this Wednesday, and voting will take place Friday! Great student leaders help make our school events possible!
24 days ago, Laurel Holt
Thank you to Coppins and J&H Equipment Auctions for donating school supplies for students! It takes a village and we have a great one!!
26 days ago, Meghan Johnson
Thank you Austin for sharing with our seniors for their last first day at Webbers Falls. Thank you to WFPD, families, and friends that joined us for this great start to the year at Senior Sunrise. ❤️❤️
27 days ago, Meghan Johnson
Information on Type 1 Diabetes from the American Diabetes Association.
29 days ago, Judy Treadwell
Just a reminder that schedule pick-ups for 6th-12th grade will be during open house on Wednesday, August 14th from 3:00 to 6:00. A parent/guardian must be present with the student to pick up schedules. Parents will have to confirm that all demographic information is correct in the parent contact section of the student information portal. Once all information is verified and all other paperwork is completed the student will be allowed to pick up their schedule. Parents/guardians/students will only be allowed to pick up their schedules. We will not give schedules of other students out to anyone except the parent/guardian of that student. If you are unable to attend open house, students schedules will be handed out on Thursday morning.
about 1 month ago, Rebecca Mills
about 1 month ago, Webbers Falls Public Schools
Seniors, families of seniors, come join us Aug 15 at 6:30 for donuts, worship, and a chance for beautiful pictures!
about 1 month ago, Meghan Johnson
Back to School Bash! Students who are enrolled can pick up a voucher and get a free haircut while they are here. Middle School and High School students must have a parent/guardian present to pick up their schedules. First day of school is August 15th.
about 1 month ago, Ali Sanders