Webbers Falls High School would like to congratulate Shawn Fullen. Shawn is the son of Heather Cook and Jason Fullen and the grandson of Doyle and Janet Fullen and Nancy Bryan. In high school Shawn participated in several sports, including baseball, basketball, and football. Shawn is a member of the Webbers Falls FFA and is also involved in rodeo. When Shawn graduates he plans to travel on the road with Billy Waltrip and fight bulls; later he plans to attend college and pursue a career in pipelining.
almost 5 years ago, Lisa Ward
Webbers Falls High School would like to congratulate Sierra Cox. Sierra is the daughter of Travis and Ashley Cox and the granddaughter of Butch and Sharon Cox and Darren and Sandy Johnson. Sierra is a two-year member of the National Honor Society and was also involved in Yearbook. Her hobbies include chilling at home and hanging out with Austin. After high school, Sierra plans to continue attending Connors State College to get her RN degree and to work as a wound care nurse in a clinic.
almost 5 years ago, Lisa Ward
First Baptist Church in Webber’s Falls will be hosting Baccalaureate on May 17th at 6:00 in their parking lot. We will be outside practicing social distancing while we honor our graduates. Please help us spread the word!
almost 5 years ago, Meghan Johnson
Webbers Falls High School would like to congratulate Jordan Cole. Jordan Cole is the son of Amanda Cole and Corey Gregory and the step-son of Nathan Cole and the grandson of Larry and Susan Leslie, Linda “Nana” Leslie, Penny and “Papa Bear” Gregory, Greg and Dianna Cole, and Sharon Cole. Jordan is a member of The Webbers Falls Junior Firefighter Association, Webbers Falls FFA and Livestock Show Team, and played full back and linebacker for the Webbers Falls Warriors Football Team. After high school, Jordan plans to “party like it's 1999!” He will most likely get a job and bug the heck out of mom every chance he gets. If Jordan could share a quote or word of advice to his classmates it would be, “The world ain’t all sunshine and rainbows. You, Me, or Nobody, is gonna hit as hard as life but it ain’t about how hard you hit.”
almost 5 years ago, Lisa Ward
Webbers Falls High School would like to congratulate Jaden Clopton. Jaden is the daughter of DeLacie Clopton and Jeff Clopton and the granddaughter of Barbara James and Bill and Earlene Swearengin. Jaden is the class Salutatorian, a member of the National Honor Society, and Senior Class Vice-President. Jaden enjoys spending time with friends and family. Jaden also enjoys working and shopping. After high school, Jaden plans to pursue a career as a dental hygienist. If Jaden could share a quote or word of advice to her classmates it would be, "Your positive action combined with positive thinking results in success.”
almost 5 years ago, Lisa Ward
Jaden C
Coach Stefanie Norman & Mr. B would like to invite their Kindergarten, First, and Second Grade Students to participate in a Virtual Field Day. Here is the link: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1NEB6uVirDq2wSmt36Byo-fFZOxwxVJCZ2ftJvrxm6xU/edit?ts=5eab256f. Have fun!
almost 5 years ago, Lisa Ward
Webbers Falls High School would like to congratulate Bryan Casinger. Bryan is the son of Bryan and Renea Casinger and the grandson of Bobby and Pam Gilley and the late Donna Casinger and Ronnie Nichols. Bryan loves to work on the farm with his dad and to hang out with his girlfriend and friends. Bryan plans to continue working at S & J Farms after graduation.
almost 5 years ago, Lisa Ward
Bryan C
Webbers Falls High School would like to congratulate Austen Carter. Austen Carter is the son of Stacy Carter Pense and David Carter and the grandson of Virgil and Dian Pense and Donna Carter and the late John Carter. Austen has played Basketball and Baseball since first grade. Austen is a member of FFA and is receiving his state farmers degree. Austen is involved in FFA, Baseball, and Basketball. When Austen graduates he plans to further his career in the welding field.
almost 5 years ago, Misty Ruckman
Austen Carter - Class of 2020
Webbers Falls High School would like to Congratulate Alaina Back. Alaina Back is the daughter of Jack and Kimbie Gray and granddaughter of Saundra Hyslop and the late Stanley Gray and Robert Davis and the late Georgia Davis. Alaina enjoys spending time with her friends and family, as well as going out. Alaina was involved in FFA and FCCLA and is involved in yearbook. When Alaina graduates she plans to go to college and to continue pursuing a career in nursing.
almost 5 years ago, Misty Ruckman
Alaina Back, Class of 2020
We will be posting one senior biography each day between now and May 15, 2020. We want to recognize each student separately. We are very proud of their accomplishments. Be watching to see your students. They will be presented alphabetically.
almost 5 years ago, Misty Ruckman
ATTENTION WF SOFT SEVEN PARTICIPANTS: All of you may compete in the Virtual State Championship Competition on May 6th, between 9:00 a.m. and 12:00 p.m. Login using your Soft Seven username and password and compete against kids from all over the state. You can do as many races as you want during the specified time. Just keep trying to improve your score. If further information is needed, contact Mrs. Olson at rolson@webbersfalls.k12.ok.us. Good luck!
almost 5 years ago, Lisa Ward
SENIORS... I have your shirts. I will be at the school on Monday from 10:30-11:30. Come by then or contact me to make other arrangements.
almost 5 years ago, Meghan Johnson
Thrasher shirt
Seniors, please get on the google classroom set up for the “Class of 2020” and look at the assignment I made yesterday. Read your senior biography and look at the slide show and let me know if changes need to be made. Also if you haven’t sent in your photos, email them to mruckman@webbersfalls.k12.ok.us Thank you!
almost 5 years ago, Misty Ruckman
Fill Out the 2020 Census The Census determines how much federal funding and services our towns, cities and schools receive each year for the next decade. Each undercounted person means an estimated $1,675 less per year (or $16,750 per person in Oklahoma over the next 10 years) in lost funding, grants and support for our communities – so accurate representation is important. It’s time to fill out your 2020 Census! Here’s how: Go to the website: my2020Census.gov. Click on the button that says “Start Questionnaire” Don’t have access to the internet or a smart phone or need assistance in another language? Call (844) 330-2020. It’s easy and safe. No Census ID? No problem! Everyone can fill out the Census right now. If you don’t have a Census ID, you can choose “If you do not have a Census ID, click here.” It will ask you to fill out some basic information, like your address, and then you can get started! Fill out your 2020 Census today at my2020census.gov. When everyone counts, everyone wins!
almost 5 years ago, Webbers Falls Public Schools
Zoom Meeting for students of Mrs Johnson on Wednesday at 1:00 pm. See your google classroom for the link!!
almost 5 years ago, Meghan Johnson
Seniors please email Mrs. Ruckman photos for the slide show to mruckman@webbersfalls.k12.ok.us by April 13th. Please send baby photos, activity photos and senior photos. Thank you.
almost 5 years ago, Misty Ruckman
Please, students of Mrs Johnson, be sure to check your school email, as I have emailed several of you and want to make sure you are getting those emails!!
almost 5 years ago, Meghan Johnson
If you have a 2nd grader who is having difficulty logging into his or her Google account, email Mr. Wilkett at jwilkett@webbersfalls.k12.ok.us. He now has the correct login information.
almost 5 years ago, Lisa Ward
Mrs Johnson’s students have activities posted on google classroom. Be sure to check there or email mjohnson@webbersfalls.k12.ok.us
almost 5 years ago, Meghan Johnson
I will be meeting with students on Zoom from 10:00 to 10:30 tomorrow. Go to google classroom to get the link. If you have questions about my classes or just to say hello!
almost 5 years ago, Misty Ruckman